External exposure dose from radionuclides in the environment
In order to evaluate the external exposure dose of the public from radionuclides distributed in the environment,
we have developed a calculation method to simulate radiation behavior in the environment accurately.
In previous studies, data were prepared for evaluating the exposure dose (effective dose) from external exposure from radioactive cesium in the soil.
The results clarified the relationship between the exposure dose and the measured value by a personal dosimeter.
We have also prepared conversion factor data to evaluate the effective dose for 1252 nuclides distributed in the atmosphere, water, and soil.
This research also contributed to the development of the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) publication (Publ.144)
"Database of conversion factors for radionuclides in the environment".
Conversion factor from the radioactivity concentration of 137Cs in soil effective dose for different age groups
[1] D. Satoh, J. Nucl. Sci. Tech., 54, 1018-1027 (2017).
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