
Basic research on radiation science

We are conducting research to analyze in detail the phenomena in living organisms and substances that have been irradiated with radiation. Recent research results include elucidation of the damage process of DNA molecules generated by irradiation of living organisms and development of a method to accurately reproduce the light output of a scintillation detector. In addition, we plan to implement the technologies developed in these studies in PHITS to expand the fields of code application.

[1] Y. Hirata, et al., J. Nucl. Sci. Technol. Ahead-of-print, 1-10 (2022).
[2] Y. Matsuya, et al., Int. J. Radiat. Biol. 98 (2), 148-157 (2022).
[3] T. Ogawa, et al., Sci. Rep., 11, 24401 (2021).
[4] T. Kai et al., Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys, 20, 2838-2844 (2018).
[5] T. Ogawa et al., PlosOne, 13, 0202011 (2018).

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