Participated in the Atomic Energy Society of Japan 2024 Annual Meeting

We participated and presented in the Atomic Energy Society of Japan 2024 Annual Meeting.
- Yasuhiro ISHIJIMA, Fumiyoshi UENO, Hitoshi ABE, Takahiro IGARASHI, “Hydrogen Absorption Behavior of the R–SUS304ULC/Ta/Zr Dissimilar Metal Joint under NaOH–HNO3 Immersion”
- Shinichiro YAMASHITA, Afiqa Mohamad, Yoshiyuki NEMOTO, Yasutaka SOMA, Yasuhiro ISHIJIMA, Tomonori SATO, Ikuo IOKA, Hai vu Pham, Shuhei MIWA, Kunihisa NAKAJIMA, “Study on coating technic to enhance accident tolerance of fuel cladding (1) Overview of accident tolerant coating technic studies and apparatus development in JAEA”
- Keito KAWAI, Yosiyuki NEMOTO, Shinichiro YAMASHITA, Yasuhiro ISHIJIMA, Ikuo IOKA, Koudai FUNAMOTO, Hisao ATSUMI, “Study on coating technic to enhance accident tolerance of fuel cladding (2) Oxidation and hydriding behavior of the Cr coated Zry4”
- Shunsuke UCHIDA, Kuniki HATA, Satoshi HANAWA, Yasuhi CHIMI, Tomonori SATO, “The effects of hydrogen addition on the corrosive conditions of PWR primary coolant under irradiation”
- Atsushi KOMATSU, Shigeru SAITO, Hironari OBAYASHI, Satoshi KITA, Takahiro IGARASHI, “Effect of pre-oxidation on material corrosion in molten lead-bismuth eutectic”