It is important to understand or
evaluate a heat and fluid transport phenomena (thermal-hydraulic
phenomena) for performing thermal design of light
water reactors (LWRs), formulate accident management plans and
design of new safety equipment of LWRs. The present thermal
design of nuclear reactors is performed based on the
experimental data obtained by mock-up test facilities. However,
in such a case, a large amount of fund and human resources are
required for construction and maintenance of experimental
With the progress of the performance of computers and numerical
simulation techniques, numerical simulation based on
computational fluid dynamics (CFD) is applied
to designs in many engineering fields. By applying CFD to
designs of the LWRs, reducing or neglecting of the necessities
of mock-up test facilities will be achieved. However,
application of the CFD to designs of LWRs is very difficult,
because the LWR system is very large, and complicated flow, such
as gas-liquid two-phase flow and multi-phase flow, appears in
the LWRs.
For the establishment of thermal-hydraulics numerical simulation
method for large-scale two-phase flow and multi-phase flow, we
are developing two-phase flow and multi-phase flow
numerical simulation codes for large-scale computers,
performing thermal-hydraulics experiments to construct
validation databases and developing measurement
techniques for performing these experiments. These
developed techniques are applied to the research works for
improving the safety of the LWRs and considering the
decommissioning process of the Fukushima-Daiichi NPS.
Call for entries: Recruitment for new graduate in 2020 -Researcher-
Misawa, et al., Development of an Analytical Method on
Water-Vapor Boiling Two-Phase FlowCharacteristics in BWR Fuel
Assemblies Under Earthquake Condition, Nuclear Reactor, Intech,
et al., Numerical Visualization on Melting and Solidification of
Micron-sized Metallic Particles by Laser Irradiation, Quarterly
Journal of the Japan Welding Society 、Vol.29, No.3,(2011)
pp43-47 (in Japanese)
Nakatsuka, et al., Study on Effect of Local Power Distribution
of Fuel Assembly on Critical Power of Reduced-Moderation Water
Reactor (RMWR), Transactions of the Atomic Energy Society of
Japan, Vol 9, No. 2, (2010) (in Japanese)
Yoshida, T. Misawa, T. Suzuki and K.Takase, Current Status of
Development of Thermal Hydraulic Design Method for Accelerator
Driving System in JAEA, Proc. of TCADS1, (2010)
Yoshida, H. Hosoi, T. Suzuki and K. Takase, Development of
Advanced Two-fluid Model for Boiling Two-phase Flow in Rod
Bundles, Proc. of ICONE18, ICONE18-30219, (2010)
Nakatsuka, et al., Numerical Simulations on Turbulent Heat
Transfer Characteristics of Supercritical Pressure Fluids,
IMECE2009-12710, USA, (2009)
Takase, et al., Computational Simulations on Melting Process on
Fine Metal Powders with Laser Irradiation Welding,
IMECE2009-13219, USA, (2009)
Misawa, T. Nakatsuka, H. Yoshida, K. Takase, K. Ezato, Y. Seki,
M. Dairaku, S. Suzuki, M. Enoeda, Heat Transfer Experiments and
Numerical Analysis of Supercritical Pressure Water in Seven-rod
Test Bundle, Proc. of NURETH-13, N13P1437 (2009)
in the Innovative and Viable Nuclear Energy Technology (IVNET)
Development Project, "Development of Supercritical Water-Cooled
Reactor in GIF Collaboration (Phase-I)", funded by the Ministry
of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) in cooperation with other
organizations since FY 2008. Here, our group takes charge of
development of a thermal-hydraulic analysis method in SCWR by
CFD. Please refer the following WEB site:
science and technology agency, Nnuclear fundamental strategy
research initiative project, Strategic nuclear energy joint
research program, “Study on the advancement in detailed
prediction technology of two-phase flow at addition of
earthquake acceleration,” (2010).