下記の論文がJournal of Nuclear Science and Technology (JNST) のインパクトファクター改善に貢献し、 当グループの研究員に感謝状が贈られました。
-T. Sugawara, et al., "Development of
three-dimensional reactor analysis code system for accelerator-driven system, ADS3D
and its application with subcriticality adjustment mechanism," JNST 53:12, 190--198,
- H. Iwamoto, et al., "On-line subcriticality measurement using a pulsed spallation
neutron source", JNST, 54:4, 432--443,
- H. Iwamoto, et al., "Impact of PHITS spallation models on the neutronics design of
an accelerator-driven system", JNST, 53:10,
1585--1594, (2016).