Nuclear Science and Engineering Center
Japan Atomic Energy Agency
Research Group for Environmental Science
Atmospheric environment:
Quicker calculation of atmospheric dispersion of radioactive materials under various conditions -Calculation time reduced to 1/100 using newly-developed "WSPEEDI-DB"-
Development of an computer-based nuclear emergency response system WSPEEDI-II (Worldwide version of System for Prediction of Environmental Emergency Dose Information version II)
Source Term Estimation and Atmospheric Dispersion Analysis of Radionuclides Discharged into the Atmosphere during the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station Accident Using WSPEEDI-II
Enhancement of Prediction Performance of WSPEEDI-II for Middle- Range Scale Dispersion using Krypton-85 Measurement Data
Development of Local-Scale High-Resolution Atmospheric Dispersion Model
Oceanic environment:
Tracking Pollutants in the Pacific Ocean -Drift Simulation of Tsunami Debris due to the Great East Japan Earthquake-
Time Series Observations in the Coastal Regions off Northern Ibaraki -Factors Controlling Concentrations of Radiocesium in Seabed Sediment-
The Migration of Radioactive Iodine in Seawater -Variation of Iodine-129 Concentration before and after the Accident at the TEPCO’s Fukushima Daiichi NPS-
Terrestrial environment:
Spatial Variation in Radioactive-Cesium Deposition Caused by Topographical Factors
Understanding the Migration Behavior of Transuranic Elements from Forests to Rivers -Migration Behavior Research using Rare Earth Elements that Exhibit Chemical Similarity to Transuranic Elements-
Development of Nuclide Transport Model for Atmosphere-Vegetation-Soil System