About us

The Environmental Dynamics Research Group researches and develops models, prediction systems, and analytical methods for the atmosphere, land, and oceans to assess the environmental effects of various radioactive material release and environmental contamination events.Research and development and advancement of these technologies require basic data for model validation. For this purpose, we also conduct sample collection and surveys in the ocean and on land.In addition, we are engaged in research on material circulation in the environment using radioactive materials and stable isotopes to help validate the models and prediction systems we have developed, and to help solve social issues such as global warming.


Environmental science
digital twins

We are engaged in research and development to understand the environmental behavior of environmentally hazardous substances, including radioactive substances. We have developed models and systems to simulate the transfer process of various substances in the atmosphere, land, hydrosphere, and biosphere, and aim to understand the material circulation in each sphere. In recent years, we have been working on research and development of environmental behavior digital twins that can comprehensively evaluate the environmental behavior of substances in each sphere by combining these multiple models.


Please see here for details of research topics on the old website.

Environmental material
circulation using
radioactive materials
and stable isotopes

Armed with analytical techniques for radioisotopes and stable isotopes in the environment, we are using a unique approach that uses them as tracers to understand the actual state of material circulation, elucidate mechanisms, and predict responses to climate change. We aim to evaluate the impact of substances released by human activities on the environment based on new knowledge gained from not only observations in real environments but also from laboratory experiments that simulate environmental changes, targeting a wide range of fields from forests and farmland to coastal oceans.


Carbon cycle research in forests and farmlands using radiocarbon (14C) as a tracer

Ocean circulation structure and material circulation using artificial and natural radioisotopes as tracers

  • Evaluation for carbon storage capacity of coastal sediments using radioisotopes
  • Food web analysis in freshwater ecosystems using radiocarbon

Environmental dynamics of radionuclides from nuclear facilities

  • Developing a highly sensitive analytical method for iodine-129 in environmental samples
  • Dynamics of stable and radioactive iodine in marine and inland waters

For other related research, please check JOPSS and researchmap of our group members.

Fukushima Daiichi
Nuclear Power Plant

We have conducted surveys and research on the radioactive materials released during the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident. How did the radioactive materials spread into the environment immediately after the accident? And what will become of these radioactive materials in the future? To answer such as questions, we have been working to understand the current state of the radioactive materials resulting from the accident and predict their behavior through surveys of forests, oceans, and rivers, as well as laboratory experiments and computer simulations.


For other related research, please check JOPSS and researchmap of our group members.

Please see here for details of research
topics on the old website.


Mariko Andoh

Field of expertise

Environmental radioactivity, Isotope biogeochemistry


Doctor of Science

Katsunori Tsuduki

Field of expertise

Computer system administration


Doctor of Engineering


  • Computer Management

Takashi Suzuki

Field of expertise

Ocean survey, Iodine-129, Accelarator Mass Spectrometry


Doctor of Science


  • Elucidation of factors affecting the concentration of iodine-129 in seawater discharged from nuclear facilities
  • Elucidation of transport for radioactive iodine in the global-scale transport and coastal marine environments
  • Development of a highly sensitive analytical method for iodine-129 in environmental samples

Takahiro Nakanishi

Field of expertise

Geochemistry, Environmental radioactivity, Oceanography


Doctor of Environmental Earth Science


  • Research into the behavior of substances in the environment using radionuclides and stable isotopes
  • Research into the environmental behavior of radionuclides originating from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident

Hiromasa Nakayama

Field of expertise

Local scale atmospheric dispersion simulation


Doctor of Engineering


  • Development of a local area high resolution atmospheric dispersion and dose assessment system
  • Radiological and nuclear terrorism

Masakazu Ota

Field of expertise

Material transports in land surface system


Doctor of Engineering


  • Development of a land surface model
  • Model simulation for transports of tritium, carbon-14, radioiodine, and radiocesium in atmosphere-vegetation-soil system
  • Carbon cycling in land surface ecosystems (e.g. forests)

Masanao Kadowaki

Field of expertise

Atmospheric dispersion modeling, Atmospheric chemistry


Doctor of Science


  • Radioactive iodine cycle in the environment using a chemical transport model
  • Development of a multi-scale atmospheric dispersion model

Tsubasa Ikenoue

Field of expertise

Environmental Engineering, Hydrology, Simulation of environmental fate


Doctor of Engineering


Rongwei Sun

Field of expertise

Environmental chemistry, Inorganic chemistry


Doctor of Engineering


  • Mineral function in facilitating soil carbon sequestration
Post-doctoral fellow

Yukiko Abe

Field of expertise

Soil carbon dynamics, Organic matter form


Doctor of Agriculture


  • Carbon cycle in subsoil of forests
Post-doctoral fellow

Takuto Sato

Field of expertise

Atmospheric turbulence, Urban weather, Large eddy simulation


Doctor of Science


  • Development of an LES local area atmospheric turbulence diffusion model
  • Construction of a local area detailed atmospheric diffusion assessment framework for immediate response in nuclear emergencies, etc.
Visiting Researcher

Toru Tanimori

Field of expertise

γ-Ray Astrophysics, High energy physics


Doctor of Science


  • Establishment of a 3D dose diffusion prediction method and development of a method for investigating inside structures using differences in gamma-ray transmittance
Collaborating Engineer

Hiroki Sawa


  • Development of the atmospheric dispersion prediction system WSPEEDI
Collaborating Engineer

Hiromi Nemoto


  • Development of the atmospheric dispersion prediction system WSPEEDI
Collaborating Engineer

Hiroaki Suda


  • Environmental Sample Analysis
Research Assistant

Mutsumi Shimizu


  • Environmental Sample Analysis
Research Assistant

Misuzu Kaminaga


  • Environmental Sample Analysis
Research Assistant

Kikuko Yoshigaki


  • Environmental Sample Analysis

Noriko Ushiyama

Jun Koarashi

Field of expertise

Isotope biogeochemistry, Radioecology


Doctor of Engineering


  • Terrestrial carbon cycle and its feedback to climate change
  • Behavior of radionuclides in the environment

Erina Takeuchi

Field of expertise

Isotope geochemistry


Master of Science

Azusa Nagakubo

Field of expertise

Environmental science simulation


Doctor of Engineering


Japan Atomic Energy Agency
Nuclear Science Research Institute
Nuclear Science and Engineering Center
Research Group for Environmental Science
2-4 Shirakata, Tokai-mura, Naka-gun, Ibaraki 319-1195, Japan
Tel: (+81)-29-282-5100