From the viewpoints of the security of energy supply and the measures against global warming, the nuclear energy has played an important role and we believe its role becomes more important in future. The technology of nuclear energy supply system has to be advanced in accordance with the progress of social systems and innovation of technologies.
The research and development are necessary on the improvement of safety and economical use of the light water reactors (LWR) and its nuclear fuel cycle, and more efficient and economical power reactors and fuel cycle technologies.
Especially, for the development and deployment of the advanced reprocessing plant, fast breeder reactors (FBR) and innovative nuclear fuel cycle technologies, the technological bases of the reprocessing, fuels and materials need to be strengthened.
Our aim is the formation of the firm technological bases of
promotion of LWR fuel cycle and development of advanced nuclear fuel cycle, and
improvement of safety and reliability of the current and future nuclear power plants.
To achieve the above, basic and fundamental researches on "fuels research" and "materials research" have been made with special research facilities and equipments.
In the course of the researches, we pay attention to the following:
For the research and development of the nuclear fuel cycle technologies, we contribute to them from the standpoints of actinide science using prominent facilities and equipments where spent fuels, plutonium and minor actinides can be handled.
For the research and development of the advanced nuclear systems and aged LWR, we contribute to them from the standpoint of irradiation materials science using special facilities and equipments where irradiated materials can be handled.
Cooperation and communication with the large engineering projects and collaborations with universities, research institutes and industries are encouraged.
These researches have contributed to the development of the reprocessing and fuel fabrication, LWR, FBR, fusion and HTGR, and the creation of innovative nuclear technologies.