Research Group for High Temperature Science on Fuel Materials

Location : JAEA > Nuclear Science and Engineering Center > Research Group for High Temperature Science on Fuel Materials

Competitive Research Funding

"Research on the Effect of Additives for Uranium Nitride Pellets to Mitigate Reaction with Water"
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (NEXIP), 2020-2022fy.
"R&D on nitride fuel cycle for MA transmutation to enhance safety and economy"
MEXT, 2017-2020fy.
"Development of Technical Basis for Introducing Advanced Fuels Contributing to Safety Improvement of Current Light Water Reactors"
METI, 2015-2021fy.
"Advanced Multi-scale Modeling and Experimental Tests on Fuel Degradation in Severe Accident Conditions"
METI, 2012-2016fy.
"Development of numerical simulation technology of microstructure for nuclear fuels"
MEXT, CRIEPI, 2010-2012fy.
"Development of the reprocessing of spent nitride fuel by chemical dissolution in molten salt"
MEXT, 2010-2011fy.
"Engineering development of MA-alloy fuel fabrication for irradiation test"
MEXT, Fukui Univ., 2010-2012fy.
"Research and development of flexible technology realization for smooth transition to FBR"
MEXT, Hitachi-GE Nuclear Energy, 2009-2011fy.
"Development of metal fuel cycle technology for closing FBR fuel cycle"
MEXT, CRIEPI, 2009-2011fy.
"Basic actinide chemistry and physics research in close cooperation with hot laboratories"
MEXT, 2008-2010fy
"Development of common and fundamental technologies on the evaluation of fuel behavior for realizing MA recycling"
MEXT, 2007-2009fy.
"Development of a fabrication technology of TRU alloy fuel and fuel design for TRU transmutation"
MEXT, Nagoya University, 2006-2008fy.
"Development of fabrication technique for the MA-containing nitride fuel dispersed in TiN inert matrix"
MEXT, 2006-2008fy.
"Application of electrochemical reduction to pyrochemical reprocessing for oxide nuclear fuel"
MEXT, CRIEPI, 2006-2008fy.
"Research and development of flexible fuel cycle for the smooth introduction of FBR"
MEXT, Hitachi-GE Nuclear Energy, 2006-2008fy.
"Development of high-efficiency separation and recovery technology of minor actinides using liquid gallium
MEXT, 2005-2007fy
"Technological development of a fuel cycle based on nitride fuel and pyrochemical reprocessing"
MEXT, 2002-2006fy
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